Good day, my most brilliant legion,
The website should be getting a few updates in the upcoming month in preparation for the next Kickstarter. The plan is to get a working store, updated infographics and blurbs for Envy, and consistency in the comic itself.
Getting a store going may be the hardest part of this site upgrade. I will have to dive further into the site’s code and structure, make sure things are labeled and priced accurately, etc. It is probably the most likely thing to fall through for now, but I am going to look into it.
The infographics will be pretty straightforward. It’s something I can manage and really needs the work. You will get full character descriptions with story beats in the About tab.
Finally, something I did not realize is that my issue one is absent from being posted here. So I will have to learn how to archive and separate the chapters/issues so that everyone who lands here can have a smooth reading experience. In hopes that isn’t too hard.
Thank you all for reading and best regards,
Suzerain Dionna